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I like writing stories and drawing characters.
To name a few :
Evolite/Eevee/Evil goten
Honest/Spirit honest
Dice king.
I draw whenever i get a new idea, mostly around midnight

43 Following     51 Follower


:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : how do i even? do that? (me realizing he had a girlfriend and possibly a boyfriend "welp")

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

(DARN FOILED ME AGAIN) Eevee : ki...ki...ki....i cant say it for s-some reason

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : you wanna k- (you think you know where this is going but you're wrong)

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : *blushes for like first time ever-* you said when someone gives someone a nickname they like them?

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

(so let the WRECKAGE BEGIN) Eevee : so ill call you bb i guess.

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : so what do you think your nickname would be? like bb or somthing? bb sounds right-

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : yeah. and then i adopted the nickname "eevee" by goten and then everyone started saying it.

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : my only job is be evil and that's all people see me as

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron


3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Goten : hey wheres berry?(hey where's parry? xD)

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Goten : uhh so not to be weird but do i have to get off or can i-

3 years ago   Reply