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I like writing stories and drawing characters.
To name a few :
Evolite/Eevee/Evil goten
Honest/Spirit honest
Dice king.
I draw whenever i get a new idea, mostly around midnight

43 Following     51 Follower


:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Goten : killing m-me?/// Eevee : berry is right

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : ive killed more than 1 person at once, i like ponies, i wanna kill goten./// Goten : wait wh-

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : i had a feeling///Goten : well Eevee you're next!/// Eevee : what-

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

(ok so i have 2 guesses using my detective brain. based on the evidence) Goten : strawberry milk!/// Eevee : the weather

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Eevee : *hisses* you dare leave me out of this!

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Goten : well myah your right. milk is nasty, my square just noticed you probably are clueless to who lyanna is (might be spelling that wrong)

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

(wait you probably dont even know who that is :/ oops)

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

Goten : I like milk, i have a completely oblivious crush, i have forced something on lyanna.

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

(matter of fact nvm im going to bed play without me i guess)

3 years ago   Reply

:'D this is only for me Marco and Aaron

(fuck it lets just start) Goten : you guys ready?

3 years ago   Reply