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Jk Elmore is pretty stupid
Actually she's not saying that shes jauwt saying "she" draws good not that you draw bad...
For jayfoox
Also is pfp you cause of it is your beautiful
This is so cute
Any dares
It if***** srry
Also you don't have to do it you don't want too
I dare you ignore Jay for 2 hr or 1 hr
Why do I feel like I look sassy sometimes
Fire breathing snake
Thai is so cute I'ma follow you
Me too
This is gonna be me now
Wait NVM you do have a tail but not horns
One more thing you don't have horns and don't even have a tail sooooooooo...
For jayfoox's Challenge
NVM yours does but mine is a girl and also my character doesn't have a jacket like that yours is different. Also you don't have yellow eyes and it you did I didn't know.
Yours doesn't have a jacket like that you have like a T-shirt.
What you want me to draw you again and no this is not you
What do you mean this is copied I didn't copy anyone?