Unknown User

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Hello you guys can call me Unknown! Feel free to follow me if ya want it would be appreciated UwU I’m not really sure what to put here so ima just put some random facts about myself :p
I am a male
Single? Hmm why do you wanna know? Jk nu I am taken UwU 💕✨😌
I am Bi which means I can be attracted to both females and males uwu
I enjoy art, hugs, music, comedy, uhh and other random stuff
I dislike bullies, spiders, needles, hospitals, etc

Profile pic by- •Dead Girl~In the Pool• (aka mah bestie uwu)
🌻 Anyways I’m sure your bored of reading this so I’ll let you go now have a great day!! 🌻

26 Following     87 Follower

  Unknown User

Bruh I draw boys way to much

Lol I draw boys a lot too. Mostly cause I myself am a boy so I draw characters closer to myself :p

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Big hair

Poofy hair owo

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Your fine! 👍))
Crow: you have nothing to be sorry for..this was all my fault

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Crow: heh *kisses his cheek again*

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Am I seriously the only one with a celebrity crush??

I’m sure your not the only one lol but I don’t have one :p

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Hi again

Hallo :3

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Crow: *chuckles softly* think yes

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Crow: *smiles* I think Its me who loves you more

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Your good 👍))
Crow: Naahh- *softly kisses his cheek*

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Cause you are amazing! And you deserve way more!!

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Crow: *smiles slightly* I love you..

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Requests #1

Yes good answer! 👏

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Crow: *wraps one arm around Mason* ..

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

I change my main to much-

I’m not annoyed. If you wanna change your main I’m fine with that I mean I’m sure at some point I’ll change mine as well.

4 years ago   Reply
  Unknown User

Request 1 Zach kissing Crow

Crow: *sits next to Mason* ...Mason..I’m sorry I really am..I’m so so sorry and I can never tell you how sorry I am..I love you. I don’t love anyone else but you..

4 years ago   Reply