My real name is Fuco Amari
I'm Japanese
I am a female and i'm 14
My favorite animes are Naruto, Sword Art Online, Love chunibyo & Other delusions, and seven deadly sins
I love to do art and I don't animate that much
I love listening to Nightcore
My favorite food nah I don't have a favorite I like a lot of food
I like to sleep and take lots of naps
I'm not allowed to go on technology that much I'm normally forced outside all day so I won't be animating so much
I have two dogs , a guinea pig, 3 fish, and two pet skunks
My favorite animals are a Japanese squirrel and a fox
Last but not least I want to thank my followers for supporting me I may not have a lot but I hope to get more in the future.
❤I love drawing anime characters so if you want me to draw you something please tell me ✏❤
and my second channel is Fucochon 2