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4 years ago   Reply

Pepper did something...

Shiga: He is not stupid. It's not him. It's Cha- *covers mouth* You weren't suppose to hear that!

4 years ago   Reply

Not my best but here

Lol pepper
Don't ya?

4 years ago   Reply



4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

They will go to hell
(I gotta eat be back in 30 minutes or so)

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

Just tell your dad "I HATE YOU I NEVER WANT TO COME BACK TO THIS HOUSE AGAIN" :) it works- I've done it before
I have a stepmom
I have a stepsister
They both like anime
Which makes me feel like I'm at home :)

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

I like sitting in the middle of the street :)

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

"Bring out the butcher knife"

4 years ago   Reply


School work is probably going to kill me
You get that?

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

Just tell your dad how shitty she is

4 years ago   Reply


You tired?

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

Imma check right now

4 years ago   Reply


O oki

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

I feel like somebody is under my bed but I am to afraid to check

4 years ago   Reply


My art is kinda stupid cuz I don't do full color anymore

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

Oh no
Now you got a shitty ex mom

4 years ago   Reply

I hate myself

Salamander has been my BFF for 6 years there is no way I'm losing her
I once sang and someone said my singing was horrible and another kid said it was wonderful

4 years ago   Reply