thank you XxstormycloudsXx.means alot coming from one of the best aninators i know.
For wolfy da demon catty U3U‘s contest :D
check mine out.pks follow too.
try out flipaclip.another animating app where you can use actual sounds
winter i didnt find your drawing among the 6000 animations you've drawn.wow.check mine out and follow me.having just 4 followers is sad.
check mine out in my page.try to follow me while your there.its bad but very purple😢.hurry kitsu yama.
ps . it is not anime weebs challange it is XxstormycloudsXx challange.
Crazy and you know it clap your hands
your art is fantastic.you actually taught me something.ill segment my animations to make them better.thanks
destruction of the solar system
yeah.it will happen a couple bullion years from now when the sun exaust all its wnergya nd becomes a red giant expanding in size a no longer able to perform nuclear fission or fusion.but according to statistics wecwould probaly be extinct befor it happens.sorry to sadden you.to nake yiu happpier searcg my page ,watch my animations and follow