I'm alive And go to my acc or be ded

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𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐨 ✐▢ / ⭐ RubioCreido⭐ Was here ✨
I'm not dead if u here

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  I'm alive And go to my acc ...


Hello and Fine uwu👉👈

3 years ago   Reply
  I'm alive And go to my acc ...

Lil dude is bored

Hehe but me no have ideas to draw this so bad D:

3 years ago   Reply
  I'm alive And go to my acc ...


Yo : Mirando A las 3:55 AM
Mi mente : Te ve tu madre te pega tal ostia que te deja inconsciente
Yo :..
Meh da igaul k pasara

3 years ago   Reply
  I'm alive And go to my acc ...

Since I don't feel like animating much, here's a tik tok I made instead (desc.)

@🥚 Call me Eggs 🥚 : Look My drawing in my account :) U can Make A fanart xd 👌

3 years ago   Reply
  I'm alive And go to my acc ...

For @ hoge

I Have A questions 😤
1.Why u so biutiful💗
2.U drawings so cool👍
3.Thx for look this ❤️

3 years ago   Reply
  I'm alive And go to my acc ...


U pfp is my face IS SO BEAUTIFUL

3 years ago   Reply