💀dead💀(once again)

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I don't rly mean anything
Crush:nun ya bis
Type: tomboy
I am not a girly girl
I supposed all people

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  💀dead💀(once again)

It feels like i dont exist

No I get wandered every day after I post

4 years ago   Reply
  💀dead💀(once again)

This was in my nightmare when I took a nap..

I have had dreams about rlly windy hills on mountains it started after I went to a bid mountain and long trails

4 years ago   Reply
  💀dead💀(once again)

Hear me sing older(link in desk)

I used to shut my door my mother screamed in the kitchen

4 years ago   Reply
  💀dead💀(once again)

We have arrive at the party!

The singing looks litterly like he's singing

4 years ago   Reply
  💀dead💀(once again)

I am singing blood//water rn XD

Whatcha gonna do when theres blood in the water

4 years ago   Reply