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remarkably unfunny

I take challenges from people on the app and try to make fun content!


💚¡Follower Goals!💚
15= behind the scenes of Ask Kaotic ✅
20= mask revel ✅
50= take control of Team Rocket
75= turn Team Rocket into Pokémon Care Center
100= temporary hand revel (IRL)

I will try to upload once a week if I don’t upload I’m sorry.

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“Waddah mean I killed yellow?”

✝️Bullying? You think you're so cool. That guy you just called chubby: he's on a diet - starving himself. The girl you just called ugly - she spends hours putting makeup on so people will like her. That boy you tripped - he gets abused enough. See that guy with scars on his face? - he fought for our country. That guy you made fun of for crying - his mother is dying. That guy who's bald - he has cancer. Put this on your status if you're against bullying! Not many people will repost this but I'm sure people with a heart will. Copy and paste this if you have a heart!✝️

“When you’re about to go to sleep 💤
Open a window and look at the stars 🌟
And imagine each and one of those star,
is a “𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝘄𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿”🌌👬👫”
Copy and paste this in your bio if you care so much about your friends.


Kaotic (that’s me)
Species: Human
Likes: Making fun content in AnimeMaker and watching sports
Dislikes: Not many

Species: Human?
Likes: Being with friends
Dislikes: being alone, being awkward

Species: Fly/Gnat
Likes: flying
Dislikes: being slapped

Species: Human
Likes: carrots
Dislikes: rotten carrots and bad carrots

Beep Boo
Species: Computer AI
Likes: Phoenix Wright, studying court
Dislikes: losing

Species: Robot
Likes: the letter E
Dislikes: any letter before E

Demon Dog
Species: Dog?
Likes: Christian (Owner)
Dislikes: none

“Your skin isn't paper 📃🚫

Don't cut it ✂️🚫

Your face isn't a mask 🎭🚫

Don't hide it 💄🚫 

Your size isn't a book 📚🚫

Don't judge it 🙅🏻‍♀️🚫 

Your life isn't a movie 🎥🚫 

Don't. End. It.... 🔫🚫❌🚫

You guys are the.... 

peanut to my butter 🥜 

Water to my ocean 💧🌊 

Glaze on my donut 🍩 

Twinkle in my eye 👁✨

Blue in the sky 🔵🌌 

Cherry to my sundae 🍒🍨 

Flip to my flop polf ym ot pilf

Milk to my cookie 🍪🥛 

Sweet to my dreams 🍭 🛌 

And the half of my heart 💔”

4 Following     37 Follower


it's ok to be gay

People are gonna make people be homophobic?
Wëłł thęń.•.

4 years ago   Reply

Some Jojo crap I made

Based of of Diavolo Beatdown ( or the event that ended episode 27)

4 years ago   Reply


After all my hard work, nothing comes out of it. 😭

4 years ago   Reply

Meet Baghead: the new OC!

He’s scary, but he’s got a kind soul

4 years ago   Reply

Star wars

It’s over Anisik, I have the high ground!

4 years ago   Reply

Today is the day... "Requests of the Month"

Battle Kirby! My Kirby has a gun, hence his series Kirby has A Gun. Also he can recover from any attack.

4 years ago   Reply

2000 Drawing is finished

Where am I? Am I here?

4 years ago   Reply

L💙ve of birds

This is so underrated it deserves more likes!

4 years ago   Reply

The Tangerine Walk

He jammin tho

4 years ago   Reply

I just got animal crossing

I have pocket camp too

4 years ago   Reply


You’re only here because I pressed the like button

4 years ago   Reply

GIR putting on Dig Costume

I meant to say dog in the title. Sorry!

4 years ago   Reply

Piggy goes in jail!!

Too fast to see anything

4 years ago   Reply

me and the bois storming area 51

Nice, I do Kirby animations too!

4 years ago   Reply

No Title

Why does its head look like a Gaster Blaster

4 years ago   Reply

Kirby finds a gun part 2

Notice how he recovered from a gunshot wound?

4 years ago   Reply