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Christianity sux

" Ok
I don’t FORCE people into becoming Christians, I let people be whoever they are "

I'm aware , I was just staring that you're okay w us if you don't push ur beliefs onto people like most christians

Also I don't understand why you said that you'll get hate for being a Christian , christians aren't opressed , never have been , Christianity is the most popular religion in the world

4 years ago   回复

Christianity sux

wh , being christian is fine just don't push ur beliefs on to others n ur fine w us

4 years ago   回复

Christianity sux

Why bruh ?

4 years ago   回复

Christianity sux

AnxiousKK you might be a Atheistic Omnist , person who believes in every religion and doesnt really believe in god

4 years ago   回复

Christianity sux

I'm a Misothiestic Thiestic satanist 😎

4 years ago   回复

Reminder that skinny women can be unhealthy too

Yea , but sometimes body like these can be very unhealthy , the girl I drew in this post is a very unhealthy girl trying to look like the woman's beauty standard and still hating herself

4 years ago   回复

The conversation

I'm not apologizing because he rightfully deserved it for carrying on the " drama " this long

4 years ago   回复

The conversation

I also want you to own up to your actions and openly admit to everything you've done and apologize without insulting me or my friends , playing victim , acting childish , or blaming it on your personal issues , and I want you to never draw futa / trap art again since it's openly transphobic and terrible for trans women

4 years ago   回复

The conversation

Not really a friendship per se , more of a .. peace treaty

4 years ago   回复

The conversation

My terms are simple

Don't be transphobic or homophobic or problematic

Or fetishize trans women

Then we'll be fine

It's offensive to trans people , especially trans women

4 years ago   回复

The proof

This is for the racc drama fyi

4 years ago   回复



4 years ago   回复

The conversation

Look at what I said I never agreed to the conversation

4 years ago   回复

Addressing this whole " war "

We've already discussed it

4 years ago   回复

This is war ᴰᵃᵐⁱᵉⁿ

download picsart then copy and paste the link into google

Also i said that because my FRIENDS saw no point in arguing with you , I find a point in it , just because they don't doesn't mean I don't

Also I've literally made the same deal with you and you said you didn't want to listen , what makes you think I'm gonna listen to yours ? You're such a hypocrite it's unbelievable

Also I'm not leaving , I've been on this app since 2015 :/

4 years ago   回复


Stop saying the same thing :/ also the only reason we spammed you was because you spammed me

4 years ago   回复


Health mask isn't participating in this " war " at all , I'm pretty sure they/she/he are on my side since I've dropped the screenshots actually

4 years ago   回复

Addressing this whole " war "

Is that all you have to say for yourself since we've addressed how childish you're being , or are you gonna scream and cry at us again because you don't know how to have a civil conversation ?

4 years ago   回复

This is war ᴰᵃᵐⁱᵉⁿ

The last two screenshots are transphobic art of trans women he's made , trap and futa are transphobic slurs , and futas are supposed to be pre op trans women , and he's fetishizing them

4 years ago   回复