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To da wolf lord

Well go make your outfit and we can showcase it ok :3

4 years ago   Reply

To da wolf lord

Just what I was going to ask. :D

4 years ago   Reply

To da wolf lord

Well are you going to prom with anybody :)

4 years ago   Reply

To da wolf lord

Just trying to make you feel better

4 years ago   Reply

This happens to me today

What were you going to do?

4 years ago   Reply

This happens to me today

He got rid of all his anmies and got rid of his acount

4 years ago   Reply

This happens to me today

Thank but I'm fine I just need to be in bed and I'll forget hopefully even tho he's texting me a lot of mean stuff I'll make it threw

4 years ago   Reply

This is lilly monster for me

And she stole my old one -.-

4 years ago   Reply

This is lilly monster for me

She hacked my acount so I got rid of it

4 years ago   Reply

This happens to me today

Well of coures don't worry about me worry about yourself

4 years ago   Reply

Welcome to my pet shop rp

I want you to be happy and not fuking care if I am so you can focus on yourself

4 years ago   Reply

Welcome to my pet shop rp

Well it's all fuking true I do nothing good on this app I'm just a pice of shit nobody looks at

4 years ago   Reply