Evianna the fox/human

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I'm working on a back story just wait, though I will tell her/my crush
Evie's crush: 123Xmonster
Tina's crush: chain
My crush: Mist

23 Following     17 Follower

  Evianna the fox/human

For eviana?

You got my name ^-^

6 years ago   Reply
  Evianna the fox/human

No Title

No problem ^-^

6 years ago   Reply
  Evianna the fox/human

Does anyone have a crush on Charlie

Also I don't have a crush on you Charlie *blushes and try's to hide it*

6 years ago   Reply
  Evianna the fox/human

Meet Charlie

The ceiling :3 and hi

6 years ago   Reply
  Evianna the fox/human

Pick a spot! ( 5 only )

I already called 2 sorry

6 years ago   Reply