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Hello there I'm shawn and I'm a YouTuber! You can call me famous if you see my YouTube but anyways let's get to knowing about who I am and what I like
I like: playing games, animating, talking to my fans, having people who care about me be around, my cat ((but she died)) having those who want me to be around, eating, sleeping, drinking grape SODa and I like to talk to my YouTube fans
I hate: watching sad videos, haters, I hate people who spam me about my gender, I hate that people pick on me, I hate vinegar, I hate the cold, being sad
I am fun, mistery, tired, sweet, funny, and an ((famous??)) YouTuber
Sub me: _ novatara _
My gender is male

299 Following     91 Follower


Gaster: H-Hi! I'm Gaster! ;//;

twinky: * blushes * hehe yea ( sorry i was on youtube )

6 years ago   Reply

Gaster: H-Hi! I'm Gaster! ;//;

twinky: hi im twinky!!

6 years ago   Reply

notice meh.....

6 years ago   Reply

notice meh.....

6 years ago   Reply

Child jammy:*Drawing himself Killing teal*))teal: -v-" dis kid needs therapy

twinky: oh shoots...hi there jammy....didnt know i was in here....hi!!......* screams inside *

6 years ago   Reply

wanna do a rp of this cuz im bored as help

6 years ago   Reply

ahhhhhhh tysm i like dissssss!! // sparkle: was up...

6 years ago   Reply

Teal: f*** you f*** you f*** you!!!))heart: -w- *petting a dog*

twinky: ( is older now not a kid like other times ) urm is everyrhing ok over here??

6 years ago   Reply


was up? ( sorry to awaken you )

6 years ago   Reply

Toy opal: hello ^^

hello im here

6 years ago   Reply



6 years ago   Reply