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Welcome to Ani-Epic Studios, your daily Animations posted every day (maybe), please consider following me while I work hard on these animations! Ty! My main name is Ani-Epic.
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The drink
His mouth can move wth
I. N. T. A. R. T. (INT...
Walk animation cuz bored
Going for a walk 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶
A hand to a face
Woopa minor mistake I made
So cool!
Blink animation
That looks great!
Happy thanks giving!
You to
Turn around
Scary but good!
I’m so sad ):
You guys never support me ðŸ˜
I'll draw whatever the first comment says
Can I be picked please :3 If you do I want you to draw a stick figure needing to go to the bathroom aka RUNNING to the bathroom
(SPECIAL) MinerMaster Fan Art
Thanks (:
But wait I did a mistake
Dark holy sword coloring!
Oops I thought it was just 1 frame
HOLY COW THATS AMAZING.. but this is a anime app so it’s not art but I’m fine with it!
How to draw a stickman
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... that’s a good tutorial!
What is this? looks like sloppy