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I won’t be around much 🏎️ 💨
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🎀 . Mewwi ”
Like are you in a play 😭 ?? That’s pretty exciting rightt
Lmaoo hiii i’m good wbuu ?? Anything you’ve been up too
L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1mE L1...
Love that self deprecation for you <3
Just some practice.
Waaaa love ur art smmm <33 i’ve been so inactive on here lol
Lmaoo it’s been forever and your still here ?? That’s crazy
Yeahhh loving the unlisted feature honestly lmao, now i can see what i was up too back then And the notification was beautiful beforeee i want it backkk 😔😔
Tyy <3
Thank youuuuuuuu 💖💖🫶🫶
Thank youuuuuu !!! <33
Waaaa it’s so cuteee !!! <33
Yeahhh 😭 just msg me back do i can friend you again
😭 I totally forgot abt these lmaoo Kinda proud of some of my old work tho, I actually put effort into thesee
(read rentry)
BROOO IDK WHY BUT HIS ENGLISH VOICE FR GAVE ME A PHYSICAL REACTION OF DISGUST 😭 it isn’t as bad anymore, but i didn’t know i would hate it THAT much
And yeahhh glad i didn’t start artifact farming until i got raiden 😭 he’s stuck lv 70 now until forever 😔😔
YESSSSS AHHHH plss they better make ambers outfit into a skin plssss
a menace
I was a Keaya main once in my genshin career 😔😔
idk what’s up with his english voice but i hated it sm after having chinese voice overs for so longg 😭
YESSS HIS ARCHON OUTFITTT PLSSSS Glory day venti hits harder than my mother
😭 TYTYYYY the colors were also hard to pick thoo 😔 but I’m getting theree
A sketch from one year ago lmao
Waaa so cuteee !! <333