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Sat, June 6th 4:43 2020 Got back from the lake teehee
12 Following 17 Follower
Welcome to Tater Tot Daycare!
T me: *hands picture to Phoenix* it's me and u :o
T me: hi :/
T me: !
T me: oh mama's here :o
T me: oh they sleeping :o *pokes Phoenix* hello? Dont get mad cause plz ._.
T me: *runs to Phoenix* hello, am not very scary cause I drew u a picture :3 *hands picture*
T me: oh well... I need to find Phoenix
T me: that HURT >:/
T me: >:/
T me: *pulls knife out of arm calmly and throws it on the geound*
T me: *gets hit by a knife* REEEE
T me: *Tries to find Lil Phoenix*
T me: *draws lol Phoenix and me holding hands* maybe this will make Phoenix not sorry about me :p
T me: *looks at paper* *feels bad a little* why are they sorry :<
T me: *gets up from under couch and walks around everyone to make sure they r ok*
T me: *cries but not to where everyone can hear it*
T me: *hides under couch again* great. You made someone mad today :<
T me: y-you know what nvm, I-I can just go now.. sorry for stopping you *walks away*
T me: but I noticed before... I just cant talk to poeple normally, but now....
T me: I'm sorry I didnt speak first, :<