Ninja Rukia☆

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Yo! I'm a one of a kind Dark Ninja Shadow Demon of Hell. Don't mess with me or I'll kick your Ass! I'm the mean one here, I'm a punk rock person, and a Psychopath in real life that would like to kill anyone! I will exterminate any other ninja here if I have too. I'm the only ninja here. I can be selfish sometimes cuz that's who I am.

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  Ninja Rukia☆

Yeth i am on

Cross meh Heart and hope to die

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆

Yeth i am on

Cross meh Heart and hope to die

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆

Yeth i am on

Hi Retro! Hm.. Here's a Q..... Who do u like xXTHATXx or Dominik Teh Kitty?

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆


Miss u

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆


That's go if she did delete the app then well

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆


Sorry but I knew ur mom would take ur iPad from the kik, no offence

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆

Meh and Lazy

Hehe thanks Dominki

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆

For Prince's contest... (Let's try this again...)

It's super cute Dominki, I love how u put u and Retro Kat. ^^

11 years ago   Reply
  Ninja Rukia☆

For Prince's contest...

Aw. So Cute of u and Retro Kat. ^^

11 years ago   Reply