zcrim shaw katamari

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Once, there were 10.
But one had met the end.
Then there were 9
But one ran out of time.
Then there were 8
But one met their fate.
Then there were 7
But one finally met God in Heaven.
Then there were 6
But one fell gravely sick.
Then there were 5
But one wasn't found alive.
Then there were 4
But one breathed no more.
Then there were 3
But one was no where to be seen.
Then there were 2
But one had nothing left to do.

...Then there was 1.
And he knew that, one day, his life too would be done.

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  zcrim shaw katamari

zcrim shaw katamari

But then again I explained twice that lolcat is a cartoon but my youtube oc is an insane turtle with startling opinons

3 years ago   Reply
  zcrim shaw katamari

I was bored, so I drew a furry with big ass eyes

I literally have no idea if im a furry because like my mascot is a furry ya know Lolcat and yet im a human so am I

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  zcrim shaw katamari

I’m gonna delete my anime maker before I get banned

So ummmm who else thinks life is boring without a toxic 8 year old who is also salty to call out and make mad.

3 years ago   Reply
  zcrim shaw katamari

Dont touch the Čhīłđ

What are turt and Burgs view on touching the child
Burg says: Turt says:
Just don't. You better
Or I may. Hope burg
Have my. Gets there
Freinds. Before ME.
To nuke
Your home.

3 years ago   Reply
  zcrim shaw katamari

S A D . .

He sad like me multiple times

3 years ago   Reply
  zcrim shaw katamari

zcrim shaw katamari

It would be called Toxic waste

3 years ago   Reply
  zcrim shaw katamari

I have a question for you all animemaker people-!

It would be about a turtle and a bird that like classical cartoons like Felix the cat and are mutated to be like humans but the bird hates the turtle becuase the turtle is like insane.

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  zcrim shaw katamari

Wh-what was that??

No idea I left on a vacation

3 years ago   Reply
  zcrim shaw katamari

Lol I really like how @monstergoxy gave me some fanart

To guys in on a new tablet so I can now use the website

3 years ago   Reply