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I'm leader of losers
I'm also in the top hat gang
Bruh Im a girl guys
ur sus ඞ

37 Following     61 Follower


For that guy who likes creepy art

this art is kind of funny

3 years ago   Reply

One more day of school for MEE!!!!!

I'm already at winter break

3 years ago   Reply

Mass slaughter(4) collab

I eat mango, I eat blackberry, I eat jackfruit

3 years ago   Reply (1)

drawing requests?

Draw Abdel baby

3 years ago   Reply (1)

i found a cure to corruption

It is killing people

3 years ago   Reply

we got snow today :D

I'm in thailand

3 years ago   Reply

i found a cure to corruption

i like ur content so yes

3 years ago   Reply