A Cute Cyan Boi

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My name is max. I enjoy constantly shitposting

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  A Cute Cyan Boi


Listen up nut. The title says everything. If you didnā€™t realize what you were singing up for based on the title alone, you must have dementia or something.

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi


Itā€™s hot and you know it

1 years ago   Reply (2)
  A Cute Cyan Boi

It's my birthday!

Happy belated Birthday!!

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi


Have you considered it yet?

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi

Pip P

You and the person who ā€œmade upā€ homosexuality have something in common, however I canā€™t quite put my finger on what.

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  A Cute Cyan Boi

šŸŒ€šŸ’ AnimeDogešŸ’ šŸŒ€

Nope not at all. I recognize the first 6 though.
Like 001 and his basic design (love the middle finger, it suits him well, considering the fact he hates the colour blue)
I love the added detail of 002 having scratches throughout its cell
I love how 003 looks, the nearly-visible rib cage adds a ton!
004 doesnā€™t look like itā€™s actual design, but I completely understand the mistake. (I can elaborate further if you want)
005 is hardly memorable at all and I love that you even remembered his existence and how he looks
023 looks ominous as usual. Not much of a difference there.

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  A Cute Cyan Boi

šŸŒ€šŸ’ AnimeDogešŸ’ šŸŒ€

I updated almost all of the designs of the characters originally in that drawing, so Iā€™ll probably just redo it.

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi

Going out of town on Friday

Bro never came back in to town.

Very sad.

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi

Requests or QnA for these two

can SW1FT dress up in a maid outfit and put cat ears on? No reason.

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi

Moe Crammer

no relation at all

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi

Melba has to go to qeaurtsy now

How was this account sort of brought back to life?

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi



1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi

Mission files

Broski, this is sick. Knowing your other stories, this will be phenomenal! Iā€™m so excited to see where this goes.

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  A Cute Cyan Boi

Happy Birthday to Myself

Thank you everyone! It means a lot to me!

1 years ago   Reply
  A Cute Cyan Boi


Accurate Depiction of Politics, I would know because I have ran for President countless times.
(They donā€™t know Iā€™m not American yet so shhh)

1 years ago   Reply