Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

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'Here we go again.'

This will be a roleplay account with my fellow friend [Skrym] Agent Bolt.
If you dont mind us making our lore and plot that anyone can join! any time because we all will love to meet some RedVsBlue fans such as ourselves. :)

<No I'm not deleting any old post. I've decided it is better to keep them for memories.>

79 Following     68 Follower

  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Free to rp?

Im free anytime 😌

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Bored ^^"

Dont lie to mee you haz alot of talentz 🔫🤬

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Bored ^^"

No you hand over the talent!! 🔫😌

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~


Hello, btw your art style is just hands down clean and smooth 😌

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

SapDaddy 😳

Sorry I didnt respon bac at discord if you messaged me my phone died hah ^^"

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

*Looks confused and giggles akwardly*

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

((LOL I might have to go soon ;( ))

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

*Backs up and returns and grabs a sandwich and points it at Ezra* Eat it b-

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

*Looks at Yori and stands up* Brb *Walks over to him*

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

*Looks at the food and tries resisting*

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

You're dead already *Loots at the food*

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here


3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

*Laughs at Ezra*

3 years ago   Reply
  Agent Maine. ~The Meta~

Rp is here

HEY THATS NOT NICE AT ALL *Pouts and looks at Yori*

3 years ago   Reply