This pup girl animates!

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Hi, I like dogs and I hope you like my animations! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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  This pup girl animates!


May you draw me but you don’t have too

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!


Make yourself your favorite animal idk

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

I am bored as heck

Can you make something scary look cute and something cute look scary

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

Impossible Challenge

Oh wait never mind I got it

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

Impossible Challenge

I don’t understand the challenge

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

I’m sooooooooooooooooooooo Bored

Or you can draw a scary skeleton

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

For panda girl XOXO

Your welcome panda girl XOXO

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

For turnips prize

I suck at drawing but I hope you like it turnip :( ;3

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

Happy bday Floor_Carpet!!

YING yang what is your favorite animal so I can draw it for your prize btw you won second place :3

4 years ago   Reply