封锁这个用户 报告该用户
Hey welcome to my nasty boi acount and I'm a weird person with weird things please enjoy:D
17 跟随 32 追随者
:v should I add more stuff to it. I want to but idk what to add
Well please just forget I asked you I'm sorry
So asexual
So uh what's your sexuality if you don't mind telling
Sexy Tits and a hot dick
Oh good d ewwww
Hey I have a Question
Should I confess to me crush
Please give your edvise and I have no idea why my hair now has a big stick in it XD
A destroy town
Done 10 is taken
Who did I kiss in there 0////0
Party rp for 30 folowers
Well nobody cares
Ghost (Finished)
The ghost it's a meme like anmation thing
Wow this is amizing
Who wants to participate in a satanic ritual with me :3
Me *wears hot pink clock*
Can anybody make me a profile pic if you don't mind sorry
Thanks :3
14 I forgot but they are taken
11 uwu
Can you give this oc a name (read des)
It's a boy
To Mochi
Geez rexx that's low of you what happend to you I thought you were nice and liked her art
Last post: gn
Are you really leaveing...well night
What would you do if I left for a bit
It's a what if not like I'm doing it