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Hi i'm Carla and Well idn What to do so i'm gonna do Q & A because it's cool X333 and you can now me How i am so let's get starded:3
Q:What's your favorite food?
A:It's a lot but ill chose the dest one Waffles ^3^Cerial :3 Watermelon 030Mango :1 there' a lot so i'm not gonna said them all X3333
Q:Do you had some siblens?
A:yeah i had one big sis i'm the second dig sis and a little sis that Is in AnimeMaker NightMoon and one little drother :3
Q:Is Carla Is your real mane?In Real life!?
A:Mayde 030
Q:How old are you?
A:i'm not gonna tell if i had more follower's to beat My sis Is NightMoon ;-; she had a lot of followers and she was working hard For more follower's ;-;
Q:Are you really the sis of NightMoon???
A:Yes because she said i'm her sis and i hope everyone belive me decause i'm her sis in real life :TBig second sis :3
Q:Do you had pet's decause NightMoon said in her Message she had pet's tree dogs??
A:Well idn decause i'm her sis and....i dont wanna talk adoult decause it will says How i'm old so yeah the awnser was no next question:>

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