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I prefer the pronouns he/him Someone’s Lover (winter) ;p 💞👉👈 I will drink your boba u-u AAAAAAAAAA- fuck you Call me Liam, Li, or Loser I’m pan (everybody is attractive) :P
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New Urixel rp with matte
Uriel: hmmm.... you can choose! ^…
Uriel: sure!
Uriel: you are ^\\\\\^
Uriel: They describe you in every way.
Uriel: !? .... You are the most handsome, unique person I have ever met, you are not ugly, you are beautiful just the way you are.
Uriel: ;-; we are in your house though-
Uriel: Your talking about yourself- Oop-))
Uriel: I am..
Uriel: I’m ugly-
Uriel: I’m not cuuuute T//////////T
Uriel: yes-
Uriel: I’m not though- name one thing that makes me cute-
Uriel: I’m not cute q///////////p
Uriel: o//////o noooooo Hello-))
Uriel: cutie~ ^\\\\^
Uriel: hottie~
Uriel: And if anybody touches you again *referring to when he was a girl* Can I hit them?
Uriel: O///////O *hugs him* your so sweet ^\\\\\\\^
Uriel: ?