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Hello, I am Blood E animations, I'm just one person doing these animations, I hope you like them, by the way, I'm a 12 year old child, so,my animations won't be quite as good as most of the animations in this app, but I'll make them better eventually
Well, you don't need to be sad anymore, you got people talking to you
Wow, that's one broken gun, also, i give this 10 out of 10, I'm leaving a like on this, it's really good, it's really good :D
Nobody comments or watches my videos anymore I guess I’m a dead animater
You should consider saying ANIMATOR instead of ANIMATER
Nobody comments or watches my videos anymore I guess I’m a dead animater
Nobody comments or watches my videos anymore I guess I’m a dead animater
You aren't really a dead animator, when you think about it, and it's not ANIMATER, it's ANIMATOR
I must say, this is really sad, honestly, I wonder what it's like to be sad all the time ,I never felt good when I was sad, that must be a terrible experience, but why are you always sad?? There's gotta be a reason about why you are always sad
Just be patient, Sigh animations ,who used to be stickman in a nutshell
Did she even give you 40 assignments? I don't think that's the truth, she definitely gave you less than 40 assignments, but she probably gave you a lot of assignments, you gotta be specific
Oh, wow, what a horrible teacher, she should get fired, I understand if you hate school, I guess some of you hate school because of the bullies, because of having the worst teachers in the universe, but for some reason, some of you hate school because of the fact that you get assignments, well,I guess you don't really understand how to use the stuff that they teach you in school in other things other than homework, you guys that hate school just because of assignments , you'd better think twice before saying that, because assignments is part of being in school and stuff, although,it's impossible for most of the students in the universe to learn quickly about how to use the stuff thta you learned in school in real life
Wow, this is probably the best drawing I've ever seen in your account
Well, if you taught yourself how to do these drawings, you got potential when it comes to drawing, you must have potential when it comes or other things
Well, it teached you other stuff, when you think about it, you get to learn how to use the stuff you learned in school in other things other than in your homework little by little
Although,I guess there are bullies, just defend yourself,or just ignore them
You too!! You shouldn't hate school, you learned how to do the things that you do now, so, think twice before saying that you hate school