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Hello I'm rosieI'm single :( p.s if you don't know what gender I am I'm female
6 Following 6 Follower
Meet Ocean
He's kinda cute
Mangel x Foxy
I go chica x foxy
Zack is back!!
Uhhhhh this is weird
Mike is cheating on me :(
Mike:.....wha saki its not what it looks like!
Meet Gizelle
Mike:I meant she's hot
Mike:fuckkkkkk she's hor
I'm making a series about sadness, depression and bullying
GenderSwap me
Do look at how I draw eyes now they look like Lenny's eyes kinda?
Do you like it
Lenny I draw like you
For galaxy
:O galaxy to give her this ok *crys*
Hey guys I am listening to the song Left Behind on iTunes right now while typing this :3
I'll do it for you
Dear me to draw Animate
There's no ballots
Animate me kissing lvan if you know lvan
I'm getting married on Monday night >3
Mike:umm. I'm swooning gonna be her
My friend just s taking forever
Galaxy can I talk to Mike
No one cares about me.....
Ooooo sorry :(
I care about you nightmare