このユーザをブロック このユーザを通報
allou everyone ^^ If I talk it's normally in the point of view of the character I'm drawing
0 フォロー中 6 フォロワー
Pew pew!!
-////- ... CP
OHH GOD! Another girl crooked really man you just found out izzy was a dude and now you're all head over heals for jazzy? .___. I don't understand your logic man
It's quite simple, men normally jump quick into something new, right? To forget them. Or to stop the hurting. I guess to forget? Meh, or he really does like her, or- everyone's do different though right?
Yay!! He's asleep
It... Was just ONE lie...
BFF's? :3 hehe thank you but, I think I tweeked it to much
Legends re armed
Her eyes
:D well I hope your back soon! ^^ i'd like to see more~
Q_Q :3
Lonely, I'm mister lonely, I got no body, for my ooooown~~
Thanks! :D and it's miki ._. I'm always on his stuff? ^^
Poor bunny hope she's not hurt
Haha i love your commentary :)
I'm.... Confused the frames keep increaseing, oh but that doesnt matter very well done. This is a great animation, hope to see more form you
Neon Wolf
Your so good! :D you should draw more!! <3
:O this is very good! <3
*hugs* jazzy jazz Nya :)
Maka maka maka *does a little dance from left to right, wiggling my hips* xD
You guys do know this is all role playing right e3e
It's like soul eater!!! <3
Hmm, it is good, :3 this is your Frist?
You dead
Are you still on?! Your really very good :O I hope to see more form you
I heart chu! I feel special from a comment Q_Q BFF's?