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Yeet 😖 It’s the holiday season
8 Following 51 Follower
Bravo, encore 😂
La Catrina 🌟
Wow! Happy dia day las muertos
Okay but like,
Good night
I love your style so much! It’s always the little details that count
Ribbit ( ິ•ᆺ• ິ) ฅ✧
It looks so good without black lines!
Omg amaze!
Looks even better with color 🥰
Alexis (SGM)( MPSBC🍓)
Oh, thanks! 😊
なぜ私はペットなのですか? (Why am i a Pet?)
Wow, I love all the background details and shading! It looks phenomenal!
Inkling girl
How do you do clothes shading though
I’ve been listening to more Japanese artists lately
Omg I love the colors, they look so pretty! I don’t think I have them because I only have the free version 😰 but this is sooo cute!
Argh so true doe
Thank you for 700+ Followers! (๑°⌓°๑)
Wow, you deserve it so much!
Contest. ( Warning blood)
I’ll do it later XD
Should i do a contest??
Well if you want to, go for it! I think it’s a good idea!
Well what’s the idea?
Don’t mess with me
Do you wanna?