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Hi I have nothing to say realy ? Except I draw alot better on paper than tablet XD.
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bon bon without her snakes....
*hugs back* thanks
$orry if it us too much *looks down*
i want it too be white eyes black hair and purple jacket dress thing with black pance. :3
*begs soo much you wanna kill ur self* WHAT is a DP
sorry but yeah sure but what is a dp *begs to learn what it is*
so me and you hide behind something and bon bon and laff walks around a bunch of people and we jump out shouting the words and bon bon face goes almost completly red and laff hugs her and me and you laugh alot
okay here it is ..... *lies and thinks about it*
But can i be apart of it
\($.@)/ when you crazy
okay i want a request *pretends like the request is a wish *
Awwww that cute *Smiles *
ha dude that is awesome
i hope boN hopeis allright
lafy can DANce BEtter than mE
okay \(@,@)/
ha ha ha its okay *says it with a smile*
Off to hell- i mean school ;-; luv u all!
ha i think off school like that too
Why does everyone doesn't respect me?
ur welcome *smiles*