Sir.matthew thi ugly

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Hewo it u boi matty someday me gonna be in the special forces
If u can handle blood come in come in
I am ten
I’m male
Lol listen to this
Quan quan fam alright, in it crazy when u beat a karren
Lol that was amazing now my ocs
Name: Matthew (me)
Sexuality: male
Age: ten
Single: yes
Smart yes but not nerdy smart.
Crush: can’t tell cause if my friends see they telling her lol 😂
Like: cartoons, movies, stranger things, bf5, anime, baseball ( even tho I’m in uk)
Dislike: bullying, snitches, rasism and annoying nerds

76 Following     35 Follower

  Sir.matthew thi ugly

No u

How old are u?

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly

This is for red sweet kiss

I did the exact thing but with my hare :)

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly

Fly :D

I did the anime

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly

I am short

Wait for my next anime real quick

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly

Num num

It makes me feel warm inside

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly

Num num

I love your company

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly


Ahhhhhh that’s funny 😁

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly


Btw ty for calling me cute

4 years ago   Reply
  Sir.matthew thi ugly

Fly Matthew

Hehe I’m finishing u pro now

4 years ago   Reply