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Dear God was I cringy.
I am back after getting sucked into the vacuum of space.
172 Following 395 Follower
G o n e
No! You can still make things right!
Have a walk cycle
Thanks! :D
It's called practice.
I'm not an animemaker master >:(
Running cycle
Yeah, I've been here for a long time
Comment so I know you've seen it
I like the ocean.
And also, did u see my third post?
Hey willow did u see my third post?
Idk a human face??
Sorry i wasnt on for a while
Hey Willow can u post whiteboard link?
Oh wait nvm
Which one?
Where were u ._.
I like school. Its where the depressed live.
LosersLounge TRUEEEE
I tried
And stop being so negative!
First of all, no one is bullying! And second of all stop hating on yourself, that's not gonna let you improve.