꧁ꨄ︎༆☾︎💀🌹Charlienerdbird 🌹💀™ꨄ︎꧂

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Hi! My name is chatlienerdbird(member of the bunny group🐰🐇), but you can just call me charlie, also this account is for 13+ even tho im 10 lol. I like animating even though i am a fuckin retard at it still i hope you enjoy my stuff so if you do not i might just go fuck myself. Anyways and i animate like shit, i have a friend named guy and i am livin the dream!! Oc's info: age: 22
Sexualty: bisexual
Fav color: green
Likes: being nice, having friends, being as successful as he is.
Dislikes: his PTSD flashbacks of vietnam, being mean, assholes who are mean, not having friends.

Gender: male

Size: fairfley tall.

Personality: somtimes a dumbass, badass somtimes also, relaxed, shy some times.

Fav food: Steak, chicken, and any other meat.

Fav drink: beer, wine, milk, tea, water.

#Cancel{ 𝚔𝟷-𝚋𝟶☆ }

Put this in ur bio if u support LGBTQ+ (im bi so yeh)

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  ꧁ꨄ︎༆☾︎💀🌹Charlienerdbird 🌹💀™ꨄ︎꧂

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

K * lays down a bunch of guns and military helmets* i got de gear

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  ꧁ꨄ︎༆☾︎💀🌹Charlienerdbird 🌹💀™ꨄ︎꧂

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Well you need guns and stuff like bombs, people, and tanks, planes, and all that other stuff

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  ꧁ꨄ︎༆☾︎💀🌹Charlienerdbird 🌹💀™ꨄ︎꧂


I mean yes it did make people sad, but theres ALOT of worse things to do THAT ARE HAPPENING ON THIS APP RIGHT NOW

2 years ago   Reply (2)
  ꧁ꨄ︎༆☾︎💀🌹Charlienerdbird 🌹💀™ꨄ︎꧂

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Oh beleive me if we could'a done that we would have, just about anything would help us, and to think, our army was WAY bigger then THEIRS

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  ꧁ꨄ︎༆☾︎💀🌹Charlienerdbird 🌹💀™ꨄ︎꧂


You think ima toddler? You think im too much a pussy to be told?!

2 years ago   Reply (2)
  ꧁ꨄ︎༆☾︎💀🌹Charlienerdbird 🌹💀™ꨄ︎꧂

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

No we didnt see ZOMBIES, but there was ALOT of tigers and snakes there

2 years ago   Reply (1)