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He hasn't mentioned it
He's a dab police but he totally or probably forgot about that group he hasn't me
I don,t think so
Do you know dantdm?
That help me stop the scratching for a while at least I drink it 2 times a day but is for me own good
Well I have them and if you saw the pill animation you see I drink two pills thAt
Lucky I can't go my allergies need to get better first plus the sun makes me srcatch like crazy
:3 I did this cuz I'm bored
I have to drink two pills for my allergies
Believe me it is but I have to do it if I want to get better I drink two times a day for my own good
Only anime fans will understand)
My cousin would love this maybe
Is that Lucy from fairy tale!!!!
I'm embarrassed
Me and my mom laughed it out this morning
Which one for main skin?
First one
3 likes and I'll tell you my embarrassing story how I got my bf?
I fist gave her the 3 but how did it get to 35 then I gave it 4 more to 39
I gave u 4 stars
T-Bonnie dont scare Danger Dolan
danger Dolan!!!