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Bet none of you expected that
I deleted my account...
But whatever idc. I did it on purpose...

15 Following     16 Follower


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Venomous: :0
Me: beans everywhere ✨✨

3 years ago   Reply

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Venomous: *yeets herself into chat* sup

3 years ago   Reply

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Gore: *somewhere* uh uh dbdjbb

3 years ago   Reply


Ooooo*lenny face*

3 years ago   Reply

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Frostbite: *has joined da server* e

3 years ago   Reply

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Btw Roxy
Before Gore and Toxic had girlfriends, i actually shipped Gore x Toxic 🤦

3 years ago   Reply

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Yes Scrappy. What do you think BK?

3 years ago   Reply

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What ya wanna talk about

3 years ago   Reply