Le Shipper

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  Le Shipper


Abuse x3

7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

Dare meh

I is a let down

7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

Let me(eye teal)

He is drunk and ur the only one around x3

7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

Dare meh

Ok data one just plain wrong can't do it sry xc

7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

DARE ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Uhhh try 2 lick ur elbow

7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

DARE ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Hey I'm doing dares too!

7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

Dare meh

I'm doing it tommorow

7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

Dare meh


7 years ago   Reply
  Le Shipper

Dare meh

Wwwwwut. >////<

7 years ago   Reply