Le vaisseau Grand Front appelle son vaisseau amiral
L'année commence bien !! (non)
Are you ready, princesses and princes ?
The night and life are short and fleeting...
So, let's get started right away !
🥰 ah, super
Baaah force à toi I guess, en espérant que ça s'améliore au fil de l'année 😭
yall ever have these kinda teachers...
"Welcome to art class ! Where there are no wrong answers !"
Blague à part j'espère que ça ira mieux et que ça te dégoûtera pas entièrement, ça serait chiant... Ça se passe comment en fait, t'as plusieurs profs ou un seul ?
Another design of Liz because I can’t make up my mind
I you have a fullbody of them and tell me a bit about the character I can try to make Fanart
If you'd like it
are you also sensitive at this degree...?
Ça m'arrive aussi
Combiné à un rire particulièrement débile ça peut être... Long......
Lunarify [CEO of VFlower Fa...
It's because it was founded by former members of Studio Ghibli, and the director of that movie is Hiromasa Yonebayashi, who also made Arietty and Marnie, so yeah.
Thanks 🫂
Keep it up !!
You don't have to feel bad for passing it onto your OCs, most people do that as a way to, well, feel better and deal with life's trials
And you can always tweak their story as you want, so... Do what you feel like doing !
If you're talking about Mary and the Witch's Flower, then it's not a Studio Ghibli movie but a Studio Ponoc movie
Lunarify [CEO of VFlower Fa...
I'm fine, thanks
I'm trying to find a job to make money for future studies
I'm glad you're doing well !
Do you feel more confident than before ?
Characters / chapter 1 September 14
Let's go lol
I'm sure it'll be very interesting
By the way, how are you doing?
Oh nice ! If I recall correctly she was already on TikTok before but yeah it's been a long time so I guess it makes sense that she isn't on animemaker anymore
A quick poem to let out how I feel about a fictional character
Well that escalated quickly