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Hello! Please do not view if under 18! ^_^ thank you!!!
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Wish it was animated. Like bombs in background. Something simple
Attention aided! ^_^ Nice work there!
I need ideas!
Well; watch animations already done and try a recreation of it to your best effort! :3 or make a candle flame flickering ^~^ Kind of like that idea
Wooo!! Awesome T-Rex! :3
Testing out eyes and crying
Awww garnets is crying! Great animations!
Shooting star
Aww the star died! >_< I mean comet..
Hey Hey Hey
Lol nice
The Wind Blows(I think).
Keep up the good works! :D
Closing Eye.
The artists are here now *bows* Such awesomeness you create!!!
When your friend falls in love with your crush/boyfriend
Hahaha this is great!! >\\\\< and true!!!
Be nice Tentacles. You have to pay to get more frames!
This is art MrWhite
Who's Mr White? and yup it's art of course! ^_^
This is great!! :3 Keep up the nice work!!
What happened
XD great animation!! Oh noo the computer!!!
Bambie's Son!! T_T good animation still!!
Mei Misaki!
Neat, Another!! This is awesome and inspiring! :3
- Marionette ~ Actually quite sad -
Hehe great animation and Same here with the upgrade. seems worth it to me! <_< no money's though as with all!
fan squeals by! Yes Garnet!!! This is great!!! :D
Loop run
Such fantastic use of each cell! 0-0 Also follows*
XD this is great!!! Such smoothness in your style!! Something that you must be born with! @,@, wish I had!