J4ck <:(

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My animations and videos suck you can view them they really suck

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  J4ck <:(


@CreatorJenni I can't read Japanese

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

That's it

Haha ;)

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

That's it

Ya and my dodgeball thing

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

I agreed with issa

Don't need to say (bestfriendsforever) because I know what it means

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

It's me le patrick

No you're wrong you haven't made it so go and cry to your mum 7 year old

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(


Da new upd8 IZ coolz

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

That's it

And I covered it

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

That's it

That's your ass when you shake it

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

My favorite roblox hats

Guess what you pile of crap

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

My favorite roblox hats

I'm no pussy that's sexual you stalker

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

That's it

Yeah I can draw nobody likes you

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

Click it's very important

It's just to let you know

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

It's me le patrick

You think you are a real bot I know youre not I can hear you lying you were monsterous I can read your lies and your mind

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

It's me le patrick

I can show you your mistakes

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

That's it

Haters gonna hate

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

It's me le patrick

I'm not the monster here

8 years ago   Reply
  J4ck <:(

It's me le patrick

We all hate you you say your a bot and think you're real your no bot

8 years ago   Reply