CLOSED)new one is xxZarpxx

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Hello there little potatoes I'm Kira I'm trying to make you happy with my animations any way hope you enjoy my animations ALSO DONT MESS WITH MY FRIENDS so just be nice ok? Anyway thx if you actually watch my stuff I doubt people will read this My bae is tato confetti's bae is unicorn lover and me and confetti are girls\(•3•)/ my friends are cheesecake ,ghost neko kawaii,genocide hailee'lyddia//fell,skywolf 15 ,shadow knight and Paws the lynx aqua ,mang mang thats really all bye bye why aren't u leaving go already!!! Kicks out ' bye


25 跟随     17 追随者

  CLOSED)new one is xxZarpxx

Fuse with me!!!!!

Ok draw me and u fused xD

7 years ago   回复
  CLOSED)new one is xxZarpxx

~Dare me~

Dress up as a fish

7 years ago   回复
  CLOSED)new one is xxZarpxx

Who wants to be fused with me x3

Draw urself plz x3 I forgot what u look like

7 years ago   回复