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Happy Birthday Eternity 🥳✨
Hi please can you tell me what is going on between you toxic and eternity, Is she alright I am worried about her.
Ta aburrido
Why were you guys arguing
Hi what is going on with you Eternity and Ant art
☆Eternal Animations☆
Check where is drew you for your birthday they were arguing in the comments
Ant art and Toxic were arguing about you in my account
For Eternity
Btwy I am speaking twi
No se .-.
Hi , hope you are alright, heard there was kind of a problem with Toxic
😔 me paa kyw3w m3nko ati
Me p3 asomdwi3
Kafraa wai
Oh Eden niae, ad3nti na moreko saa
🔸️𝓐𝓝𝓣 𝓐𝓡𝓣 🔸️
You are welcome
Ignore him he is the racist one, plus I think he is a troll
I drew my oc on ibis paint x (changed it a lil)
It's nice
Pick a spot final result
Halloween Contest!!!!!!!!
I will also join
I don't mind joining