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in ur mom
409 Following 340 Follower
Shoot me
Because of drama.
Shoot me.
What should I wear
Help me
Does anyone like me?
*right away
Or that doesn’t mean they are your boyfriend/girlfriend
Just because you like someone doesn’t mean they have to go out with you right away. You should give them some time to think about it.
For XXWolfyAnimationzXX
Well, Shirt, I don’t know
Good Night
I just see a square, inside of a square, inside of a square, inside of a square, inside of a square, inside of a square, inside of a square, inside of a square,
Did you just push the button?!
Yes I pushed the button.
O-okay fine I guess I won’t leave but only bc you guys mean a lot to me
*hugs you* But if you want to leave, then you can leave.. We will understand. And you mean a lot to us too.
This is my last good bye bc I’m quitting
Oh.. I understand.
Exo it’s okay bc I like you too as well!
*blushes* Heh.. (Sorry I’m late-)
Who has a crush on me (again sorry)
Y-yeah! ((Sorry))
I do..
Omg you guys!!!!
Thank you so much.
How is my art?
Dark purple.
Eye animation...