(Deleted account)

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9 Following     5 Follower

  (Deleted account)


I will never leave the app

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)


What no not after all the support I got

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  (Deleted account)

Thank you all for the support

I'm sorry everyone I'm going to sleep when I wake up I'll post more good night everyone

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)

Anyone can be together

Thank y'all for your support

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)

A shining diamond

Please don't steal it.

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)


Thats amazing

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  (Deleted account)

Everyone is different especially you

It's fine which one you like. If you like it and it makes you feel nice then its your destiny to be a good civilian

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)

for ginger

I love this I hope ginger see's it

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)


Just making I feel good

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)


I really do think you could be an artist just like. Da Vinci

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  (Deleted account)


I think its amazing

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  (Deleted account)


You can say whatever the thing your secrets are safe with me

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)


You can be someone truly special one day like the brightest star in the universe or the biggest diamond someone finds! You can be Successful!

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  (Deleted account)

for timlex

Is timlex rude because he was rude to me on my. New anime

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  (Deleted account)


Dont be rude... I'm new and I just want people to feel their best!

3 years ago   Reply
  (Deleted account)


I'm fine with fan art do what you like :D

3 years ago   Reply (1)