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Moon: your welcome :)
Moons mom: *sees moon* Moon! There you are! You were gone for hours! What happened?!
Moon: uhmm... I got beat up
I feel like doing a face reveal..but idk-
Even though i never saw your face mine is way more ugly
Boy 2: *runs to his other friends* YOOOO BRO HE HAS A BOYFRIEND BAHAHA RUN RUN
The rest of the boys: *runs*
Moon: Woah...
Moon: *runs to Nilla* NILLA WOAH CALM DOWN
Moon: hmm ..
The boys: *runs and takes a children's toy and runs away with it*
Moon: there! Look! *Points at them running*
Moon: *walks out of the house and trys to find the shop while holding Nillas hand*
Moon: okay! I think they are at the IceCream shop cause i normally see them there..