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Bluby;* she grabbed his face just kissing him just wanting to get anything left of kahuna out of her, she just wanted travis during the hshshshshsh and just was happy now that she has him*.
Bluby:* she hugs him back, just crying but in pain and falls down weak and just shaking *...* Crying more *
-few hours later -
Bluby:*comes back just looking tired and shaking and having sniffing a lot cause she was crying and walks up the stairs to her room *...
((She said "cut into me" because whatever happens in human form effects her real form, so she was contaminated water and she could have gotten pregnant but before she was cut open and had all water drained out and immident new water into her so her water balloons are still there ))
Bluby:* falls down starts bawling her eyes out *
Principal:BLUBIA!?* runs to her and grabs her * WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN CHILD!?.
Bluby: CUT IN ME I CANT BE PREGNANT!!!* crying *
Principal:what!? blubi-
Bluby:DO IT!!* crying and shaking *
Principal:....* Finally connected the pieces and grabs her and runs to the nurse *
((This is making me sad ))
Bluby:* shaking and twitching and closes her eyes, just wanting the day to end and just crying *
Bluby:....* Shaking and twitching, holding onto the blankets for comfort and slowly looks up at him, twitching more *.....
Oh nuuuu))
Bluby:* shaking after that, just eyes widen and just shaking and twitching and hits her head from screams just freaking scarred from what happened *....* Shaking.
/m\ oh nu.))
Bluby:* looking at him and just eyes widen * KAHUNA NO I AM NOT!! IM WITH TRAVIS!! ((he don't care anymore 🙄))
Bluby:* tries opening door just banging on door and trying to open it * KAHUNA NO!!
Darn /m\ I do hope therapy goes well))
Bluby:* her hair turns into a dark blue like black, cause she isn't water she is human now and she slowly turns her head to him, eyes widen*
Darn it you need sleep >:0))
Bluby:....* Gets up and pushes him and tries to leave the room* KAHUNA I HAVE SCHOOL
Bluby:!!?? W..what!? Kahuna where are we I have school!!* Looks at him and then looking around*
Bluby:if I have you a chance be counted as cheating kahuna * walking to the gym *..and I will wait till I get the love I need..I did wait for 20 years for a lover
👀👀👀👀👀👀 -hugs back -??))
Bluby:..* looks up* yes..and I'm lucky I get to wear something comfortable..
49 to 86))
Please rest soon..))
Bluby:* she kisses his back *^^
((Bro bro I know why kahuna and travis like her, they are simps for the water balloons and the squishy face 👀👀 CAUSE THEY CUFF HER FACE A LOT))
Plot twist: Kahuna is waiting for bluby to leave the dorm ))
And yup he simping ))
What's with the ... Travis XD))