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Age:9 Name: sophia I know me name ugly 😑 Gender:female When did I start?:Nov 2020 When will I quit?:2021 Feb:21 My bd? June 12 2011
(Leader of the demon dogs)
60 Following 56 Follower
Take a screenshot see which one you land on
I landed on the purple one
What a bout u
How is le everyone doing?
Le good U<U
Challenge draw urself by a volcano
Ok ^√
Yuri in deer costume
Dis not have enough time and I was in rush bc I was goin somewhere sry 🥺
My eye hurt
Me eyes 👀
Nothing I just nvm
When I see a demon trying to trick me
Repost animation
Me at 3: am lol
Look wut me found in me gallery
For a 8 yr old it looks like a very cool drawing
U-U lel
Awww 🥺 it looks so cute 🥺
While I always talk meaness to some people (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
Flowey want to say thank u to 🌹᭙ꪮꪶᠻ𝓲(𝑇𝑆𝐾)🌹
U guys are really amazing when u guys are friends ur always talking niceness
Challenge from remonburritohamilton
Thanks ^^
Draw ur oc with ur eyes closed