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Age:9 Name: sophia I know me name ugly 😑 Gender:female When did I start?:Nov 2020 When will I quit?:2021 Feb:21 My bd? June 12 2011
(Leader of the demon dogs)
60 Following 56 Follower
Anyone awake?
I'm only 1 hour more than u U<U
It's 6:07 for me
No se porque pero Dora es muy estupida conmigo sin ofender jajaja
This old show
Hola soy dora
:<> *pats head* good child
😁 your right^^ thank u
Happy little flower
But I'll try even tho I get 6 hours of sleep
And it's also weird how lil sister that's 7 she has boyfriend
I can't be happy to tired
Oh oks
U did nothing wrong I just wish my friends at school will answer phone calls but they NVR answer even when there online 😔 I just my life
Ok now I'm feeling sad for no reason idk why I'm staring to get sad
It's ok