nyala [rose]

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welcome to chili's!
[hello, i’m rose, but many know me as the “doritos girl.”]

nala: burned fish lady
deedee: robo gyal
isolde: probably an alien
chien yu: my cute goth <3

18 Following     19 Follower

  nyala [rose]

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hehe.. hey I gtg I'll talk to you when I can ok?

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Pfft I guess so

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Lmao I'm just kidding

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl

I made a new anime

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]


This is something Coa would like. Like a lot.

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl


6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl

Hm? Should you?

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl

You can do better than that.

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl

E-er um- nothing~!

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl

Qué linda..

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl

Wait is Xandra your name..?

6 years ago   Reply
  nyala [rose]

Me irl

Huh? Oh she doesn't tell me much about other people. I've always wanted to be named Xandra though. I just think it's a beautiful name..

6 years ago   Reply