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Online,nice,natey is so easy to draw it took ten seconds for me..changed name back
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*opens eyes*
*my bangage rips and my gem eye pieces fall*
*a shatter is heard right after I hit the ground*
*falls to the ground*
takes hand off my eye and puts my bandage back*
*walks over and throws the man across the road*
*all the shattered pieces hit the man driving the car*
*Puts hand over left eye*
*the car breaks*
I'm ugly.....noone...*walks in the road while a car is driving super fast* take me away.... to the world that they say I'll be happier in...
*takes my bandage off my head are stares at self in the mirror*
*turns to normal and stares in the mirror I have*
*Sits by the road far away*
*gets back up and runs away*
*sits down and looks at the sky*
*looks down* *Walks away* i need a moment to think, guys...
*Slaps shadow*
*wakes and gets a weed wacker* *rip flower*
*the flower stabs shadow*